A comparison between Artistic Addresses
and "the other guys"

 Features  Artistic Addresses  "the other guys"
 Choice of Numbering Styles Multiple styles of numbers to beautifully compliment your home. Custom cut stencils based on actual typefaces.  None. Most use standard stencils bought at the hardware store. Ugly, mismatched in odd sizes.
(see Examples)
 Preparation  Old peeling paint is scraped off and wire brushed smooth. Then carefully masked off.  Paint right over old chipped, peeling paint
 Background Paint  We use only bright white Premium Exterior Latex Enamel.  Unknown. Cheap, watered down whitewash, off-color leftover paint from house painters.
 Application Portable Airless Spray System applies a thick, even coat of paint.  Thin coat applied with roller or paintbrush
 Reflectorization Generous application of reflective particles fully adhered to the thick base coat.  None, or a light sprinkling of reflective particles that don't stick well to thin background.
 Spacing & Alignment Even spacing of numbers, centered on background.  Crooked , uneven spacing, offcenter.
 Method of Payment Cash, Check, Visa, MC. We can even bill you if your not at home when we paint your numbers. Cash Only.
 Call for Service Order by Phone! You can call us anytime and we will come out and paint your numbers right away. Or you can make an appointment at your convenience.  You'll just have to wait until someone comes around your neighborhood and hope they do a good job.
 Guarantee   Six Months against Fading and Peeling.  None.